Liverpool China Partnership announces new Chairman elected


23 January 2023 - Liverpool China Partnership announces Gary Millar as its newly elected Chairman on a three-year term from 2023-2026, succeeding Paul Kallee-Grover MBE, who took over the role in 2019 and steps down from January 2023.

Gary is an experienced entrepreneur, business adviser, presenter, public speaker, former Vice Mayor of Liverpool and former Lord Mayor of Liverpool. A Liverpool Business Ambassador at home and overseas, Gary has led Liverpool’s and the UK’s trade relationships globally, including China. He is widely recognised for his international relationship expertise, particularly Liverpool City Region’s, plus the North West’s and also the UK’s trade and academic investment opportunities and key growth sectors. He has strong links with Liverpool’s wonderful Chinese community, and an extensive network of contacts with Liverpool companies, universities and agencies currently and successfully doing business with China. Furthermore, his civic background means he has diplomatic links with government bodies, companies and organisations in trade, education, hospitality, culture, sports and other key sectors. He has considerable experience in hosting international trade, cultural and civic delegations (over 200 to date). Gary, together with the Liverpool China Partnership’s key stakeholders is confident that Chinese interest in Liverpool, the North, the Isle of Man and the UK will increase further.

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Gary Millar

Gary has already been Liverpool China Partnership's Honorary President since 2019. The new Chairman role will see Gary, on an entirely voluntary basis, take up combined responsibilities of both President and Chairman, sustaining and leading the development of this 'pioneering' Partnership. In 2022 he won the Department of International Trade’s Recognition Award at the Greater China Awards in Manchester. Gary will be supported by Liverpool China Partnership's new Vice Chair, Dr Julia Wang, one of the Partnership’s Directors, who also gives her time voluntarily to this role.

The Liverpool China Partnership currently has 20+ members drawn from the public, private and higher education sectors. The Partnership facilitates purpose driven business relationships with China and the UK, and delivers expert guidance and support to those open to develop their overseas ambitions.

The Chairman and President are roles elected by its members and they give their time to the Partnership voluntarily and without financial gain. Liverpool China Partnership former Chairs include Max Steinberg CBE (2015-2018), Ellen Cutler (2018-2019) and Paul Kallee-Grover MBE (2019-2023).

Gary Millar commented: ‘Thank you to our outgoing Chair Paul for his sterling and outstanding support over the past 3 years. Thank you also to our previous chairs for their pioneering engagement in supporting international trade. I know I have big boots to fill. However, I am confident, with the help of our 20 plus members, plus our amazing volunteer directors, local regional and national stakeholders and the wonderful support of LJMU’s Dr Julia Wang as Vice Chair, that we will continue to engage and grow our people to people dialogue. Together, we will ensure we help create local jobs and businesses. We will help interested partners compete on the world stage. We aim to help them attract good purpose driven trade, students, creatives, scientists, visitors and Chinese partners into the UK and particularly into Liverpool City Region and across the North. In the meantime I wish everyone a very Happy Year of the Rabbit 2023. This will be a year of excitement and one with an “upbeat attitude” and lots of positivity.’

Paul Kallee-Grover MBE, former Chairman of LCP, commented: ‘It has been a huge honour to serve as the elected Chairman of the Liverpool China Partnership over the last 3 years - a time marked with significant challenges for our members and the world as we've collectively battled against the Covid Pandemic. As we enter a new lunar year, it is time to look forward to new opportunities and new adventures as the last of the barriers to trade and movement are removed. As I step down from the role at the end of my three year term, I leave LCP in the very capable hands of Gary Millar as the Partnership's newly elected Chairman.’
